Sunday 30 September 2012

Sunday 30th September - Venice

Up early(4 30am!!!!) for the short walk to Terminal 5 to book in for our BA flight to Venice.
Terminal 5 from the air.

 At the western end of the airport. Handy for landing but a long way from thetake of end of the runway! Normally planes land from the east and take of towards the west, as they did today!
                                           Heathrow, Terminal 5

Due to take off at 8 15 but not in the air until 08 40 as we were bussed to a stand - new terminal but not air bridge! Very swift fight and landed at 10 20, or 11 20 local time. As usual rubbish breakfast of something called egg but neither looked or tasted like what we know as egg! Captain gave a humourous description of the air bridge driver trying to connect us with the terminal but the delay did not matter due to the usual carousel nightmare. It seemed like it was coffee break as there was a good 15 minute break in activity after our first case came and whilst waiting for Jack's case. then on to a coach to join one queue to chech in and then another to go through security and board the ship. Late lunch at 2 30pm and then our usual look around the ship, ( here is the ballrom where will have a coral afternoon tea tomorrow!)

 lifeboat drill and dinner. We do not sail out until about 8 30pm so it will be interesting to see Venice by night.

Blog by 3 dongle which has worked in Italy as we have put enough credit on it to pay 3 Italy its extortionate profit


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