Tuesday 11 June 2013

Valencia HOT HOT HOT

Day 8 Valencia very hot and sunny 32C

Up to see us sail into Valencia harbour on a warm and clear morning. Off on the first shuttle bus so we are in town before it warms up too much! Nice ride through the pleasant outskirts of Valencia along the banks of the now diverted river Turia which has been turned into a wonderful park, Jardines del Turis. This was created when the river was diverted to a new artifical course after the floods of 1957.

We are dropped off close to the Catedral de Valencia which dominates the Plaza de la Reina.

in the centre of the Old City. We then explore the city with its mix of old and new, but all nicely laid out with wide boulevards, many tree lined. Like Barcelona there is a food market which is much less busy but equally fragrant and wonderful displays by the many stallholders.

We see the Town Hall which is in a nice open square with gardens and a fountain.

Then we see a bull ring turned into a museum and the fine railway station. By now we were getting tired and hot so back to the ship for a quick swim before lunch and an afternoon lazing, again, by the pool.

The city is easy to explore on foot but between the centre and the ship we pass by the City of Arts and Sciences with its futuristic architecture.

Valencia also has fine beaches of Las Areneas and Malvarrosa which we did not visit but were close to where the ship berthed.

We watched our departure in brilliant sunshine before dinner and the third theatre company show.

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