Friday 14 June 2013


Day 10 Cadiz Sunny 27C dry clear and hot!

The very first port on our very first cruise, some four years ago was Cadiz. That time we went to Seville, a one and a half hour coach journey. This was booked before we had seen Cadiz because it was the thing to do. Having seen some of Cadiz from the ship then we wondered if we would have had a more enjoyable time if we had stuck in Cadiz. This time the obvious thing to do was to explore Cadiz. Its our sort of place, just walk off the ship straight into the town. Up early as it is prdicted to be hot and sunny and walk around the walls.

Cadiz Walls

Cadiz is almost an island, standing at the top of a long peninsular on the Costa de la Luz. The walls have the sea to one side and wonderful parks inland, which are colourful and very well kept.

We walk all around the seafront to the main town beach.

Then explore the town area with its traffic free (apart from the odd mad scooterist!) narrow streets.

See the Cathedral which dominates the town and go inside and realise it is vast with a crypt under the Altar.

Back to the harbour which completes our full circular tour and after 3 hours in the heat return to an empty ship as everyone else is off on their explorations. Time for a cooling swim before lunch and yet another lazy afternoon.

Arcadia in Cadiz harbour – only ship in port today!

We are really enjoying our dinner companions, very easy to talk with and no embarrassing silences. The dinner food is also excellent unlike the lunch menus which we find disappointing. Only lasted a few minutes with the mind reader whose act was the same as last time we saw him!

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