Wednesday 6 June 2012

Bari - Italy

Day 8 June 6th Bari (Italy) very hot, sunny and clear

Woke just in time to see us sail into Bari harbour and moor at the Cruise Terminal. It was wonderfully clear and we had great views of the harbour and town behind.
View from our balcony over Bari

After breakfast we decided to use the shuttle bus into town as it was very hot and we needed to conserve our energy. Seven ports in seven days is tiring and it's meant to be a holiday! Good look around the Old Town with its numerous churches and narrow streets.

One of the many narrow streets

Basilica of San Nicola

Then a little look and the new shopping areas and seafront which is advertised as the longest in Italy: it did seem to go on forever.

Back to to the ship for a cooling swim, lunch, more swimming and just lazing around as we are on holiday! Dinner followed by Mark Donoghue, multi-instrumentalist in the theatre, which we decided to miss and have another early night.


  1. Looks marvvvvellous... be thankful for the nice weather, the forecast here is bloody awful!

    1. Thanks James! hope tennis is not spoilt by bad weather.
