Monday 4 June 2012


Day 5 June 3rd Split Hot and sunny

Up early to see us sail in past some islands in clear and sunny weather. Light breakfast on the open terrace which is where we have eaten all our buffet meals so far. The ship moors off Split and we are tendered into the picturesque harbour on the ship's lifeboats on the first tender ashore at 08 15! Split is an old walled city but very compact.

Cathedral of St Duje and bell tower

Good look around, and we enjoyed the narrow streets and market areas. The seafront seems to have been recently re-done and is very impressive: pedestrian but not motor scooter free!

Back to the ship after a few hours, but the wind has got up and we cannot dock the tender at the ship despite several attempts. So while we wait with just 4 of us in the tender in rough open waters, the anchor is raised and the ship repositions so they can secure the tender in the lee of the wind on the starboard side. We seem to have a novice officer 'driving' the tender as we make quite a few abortive attempts to dock and eventually make a strong contact and are lassoed by the ships crew! Jack was a bit wary, especially as I had persuaded her to travel on the open top of the boat, where the motion was exaggerated! It seemed ages before we were able to board the ship!

Time for our usual swim before lunch, afternoon siesta by the pool, another swim and Alan enjoyed a talk about the ships propulsion system before dinner. Show was billed as David Deble a comedy juggler and that was what he was. Enjoyable and a bit different.


  1. Just catching up with your blog. I can imagine mum being 'wary' lol!

  2. Caption for last pic in this post: 'Jack clings to boat for dear life'
