Friday 20 September 2013


It was a fairly easy decision to do the Jungfraujoch today, given the cloudless sky and good forecast.

So off again to Interlaken Ost station by bus where we get it right and buy our lunch. Although we have Swiss Rail passes we have to pay extra (131 Swiss Francs each - about £100) to travel up the Jungfrau!

So we catch the train to Lauterbrunnen and then on through Wengen (where the Swiss pass ceases to be valid and on up to Kleine Scheidegg. The weather is perfect and we have great views of Murren

back to Lauterbrunnen

Waterfall at Lauterbrunnen
and the mountains


We change trains again at Kleine Scheidegg for the mainly underground trip up to Jungfraujoch. This tunnel is now over 100 years old and an amazing engineering feat.
There are viewing windows on the way with views over the Grindelwald valley

and towards the Eiger.

Viewing window
Jungfraujoch Train in tunnel

After two and a half hours travelling we reach the Jungfraujoch at a height of 11,333 feet. It is -4C but in the sun it is not too cold! There is a lot to do and see and we spend one and a half hours mainly just enjoying the views. The views of the Jungfrau (13642 feet), Monch (13475 feet) and Eiger (13026 feet)  are superb, but as we were nearly as high as these peaks they somehow lost some of their grandeur. We walk on the snow field and go up by high speed lift to the Sphinx Terrace viewing platform.

James with his posh Nikon camera and hoody in front of the Jungfrau

Viewing platform

So back by underground train, but we decide to walk the last descent from Eigergletscher (7612 feet) to Kleine Scheidegg ((6762 feet). This was the best bit of the day and we really enjoyed the 40 minute walk with what were the best views of the day.


IB loved this bench looking towards the Eiger, in a pool to cool off your feet. As it was -4C at the top it was not open sandal weather at the top, but it was on the walk down!
Kleine Scheidegg

We had already decided to go back from Kleine Scheidegg  via Grindelwald and the train ride down was again excellent and the track was very steep all the way with views of the Eiger.

Kleine Scheidegg

So back the same way as yesterday to Interlaken and a very good meal in one of the hotel restaurants.


A nice walk after dinner to see the sun set on the Junfrau

and back along the river joining the lakes either side of Interlaken.
We had a busy day: a relaxing day needed tomorrow for our last full day in Switzerland: forecast is for another warm sunny day!


  1. Great blog. My highlights were both pictures of James, I love the hoody in -4c and then the classic 'oh my god another restaurant photo' pose. On a more serious note very picturesque and that bench does look fun.

  2. Hoody in -4C: it is impossible to dress for -4C up the mountain and +20C down in the valley. Remember we are on trains so have to carry everything for all day! Rain was not forecast so James decided hoody would be warmer than coat.
