Saturday 14 September 2013

Round trip from Lausanne to Gstaad, Les Diablerets, and Montreux

IG had a perfect round trip planned only retracing our steps to and from Montreux. So off from Lausanne to Montreux early to catch the scenic Golden Pass train to Gastaad. Just a little time to look at the Lake in Montreux first.
Enjoy the ride over the mountains in a modern Panoramic VIP train  to Gstaad with spectacular views over Lac Leman as we climb out of Montreux, No opening windows so impossible to photograph but take our word for it!

Decide to go one stop past Gstaad so we can see Tennis Stadium from train and also get opportunity to ride on a restored Classic Train.

Classic Train in Gstaad
Time to look around Gstaad, get a roll for lunch, before getting our Post Bus to Les Diablerets. The trip is again spectacular over the mountain pass but when we get to our terminus we find our next train is replaced by a coach. Decide to have a look around this ski resort in the shadow of the snow capped mountains.

Think about going back the way we came, but rightly decide to use the rail replacement bus from which we have more splendid views. Find that only part of the railway is out of use so use the train for the final descent to Lake level in Aigle.

Last mile or so into Aigle station is through the streets of the town and coming in adjacent to the main line station.

As we thought Montreux looked very nice on our outward trip decide to stop there again for a longer look. Strolled along the lakeside prom with all the beautiful people.
By Lac Leman, Montreux

We really liked Montreux where the town is right on the lakeside and the lake prom is backed by pretty gardens separating it from the town.

Then, exhausted, back to our hotel for a coffee and tea before dinner at restaurant in the town we have been to before on previous visits.

 Good meal there  for what in Switzerland was a very reasonable £40 with drinks, for the three of us.

Museum in Place de la Riponne, Lausanne

Time for a stroll through the town before crashing out back at the hotel.

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