Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cornwall's Atlantic Coast

Today we decided to drive up the 'A' roads to Padstow and then slowly drive down the coast looking at the bays and coves on the way back down to St Ives where we wanted to have a late lunch.

With a combination of Sat Nav, OS maps and IG's geographical knowledge we navigated our way along the lanes to the A30 avoiding Truro, then up to just south of Padstow.

The first port of call was Harlyn Bay, a pretty sandy cove.

Then down past Porthcothan

To Bedruthan where we intended to go down to the beach by the steep steps and have a good walk around. We really like Bedruthan and always go there on our Cornish visits.
This is Bedruthan Steps, we used to think the 'steps' were the steep steps by which you reach the beach. However the big rocks are the steps, used by the mythical giant, Bedruthan to walk along the beach!

We had already checked the tide times so we visited at low tide so we could walk right along the beach passing one of the steps with an arch
to the furthest bay

There is a narrow passage between the cliff and the steps to get this view and is only passable a couple of hours either side of low tide.

Back up to have a coffee and cake at the National Trust cafe
So tired from the walk and climb, but refreshed by the eats we travel past Mawgan Porth

Watergate Bay

and Tolcarne beach, Newquay

to St Ives where we had a nice but late lunch at the Seafood Cafe.

Then we explored the bits of St Ives we did not have the time, of energy to do yesterday.

Porthminster Beach, St Ives

Really odd 'cliff' at edge of sand!

Pedn Olva Hotel and Harbour from Porthminster Beach

Until six months ago this was called the Porthminster Hotel where IB stayed at Easter 1962!

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