Monday 14 October 2013

Exploring Lands End Peninsular

The idea today was to drive around the Land's End peninsula stopping and walking at the many bays and coves on the way.

So off towards Penzance in dreary but at least dry weather. First stop was at Porthleven which is a nice village with a fine fishing harbour.

Back on the road and the next short stop was at Praa Sands

On the road again passing through Helston then along the Cornish south coast to Marazion and views to St Michael's Mount which we decided not to visit despite it being National Trust and free to us members.

So off again bypassing Penzance through the busy fishing village of Newlyn to Mousehole, being slightly delayed by a minor RTA between two cars which partially blocked the road.

Decide to recharge here in Mousehole with tea and coffee, delicious lemon cake and a teacake!

£6.90 poorer we head off to Porthcurno and after failing to understand the parking machine have a nice walk on the beach and around the steep path below the Minack Theatre.

Lunch time is looming so we head off to Sennen Cove in the hope of finding a chip shop.
Find one but as it's Monday it's shut, and so is the next one. Eventually find one open in St Just which was very good.

Next stop was at Levant Copper and Tin mine, another National Trust attraction.
Not sure we would have felt it worth the admission price but we had a nice visit and walk around: the best bits were probably those not within the charged area! The mine is 700 feet deep and goes a mile out to sea! We saw the working beam engine and looked down the shafts the miners travelled down to reach the mine.

By now it was mid afternoon but we decided we still had time and energy to see St Ives.

St Ives Harbour

By now the sun was fully out and we thoroughly enjoyed revisiting our honeymoon town!

Porthgwidden Beach

36 years ago we stayed at the Pedn Olva Hotel in St Ives for our honeymoon: the same hotel where IG's Mum and Dad stayed on their honeymoon 57 years ago (IG is 56 and 3 months!)

Pedn Olva Hotel

Pothmeor Beach

It was hot around St Ives so we treated ourselves to ice creams: raspberry pavlova for IB and lemon meringue for IG. yummy!

The last few blogs have been a pain with pictures taking ages to load despite being shrunk. Today I have used Google Chrome browser rather than Internet Explorer and have only taken 20 minutes or so to do this blog! A few pictures refused to go where I wanted but it was far better and pictures loaded almost instantly!

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