Wednesday 29 May 2024

More of the same, but an excuse for some pictures!

 Our now usual routine of shop bought stuff eaten in our room or balcony

Then off to Cala Ferrera for an early swim before the small beach gets too crowded. Today all the adults went in: the small kids seemed too busy on their phones!

The beach is accessed by well made but difficult somehow to negotiate steps because they arean  uneven pitch and the edges are not well marked.

Then back to the hotel for coffee and then relax by the pool. Note to self - bring plastic cups so we can have coffee by the pool. We took room mugs down on the first day and were admonised by the life guard. It was all in Spanish but we got the drift!

After lunch the Oldies and James walked to the epnomous Cala (Cala d'Or) and were of course energised by an ice cream.

Very posh Cala d'Or Hotel

Then back to the hotel and the brave ones jumped into the sea from a platform in the hotel grounds

Then dinner at an excellent retaurant - it was great value as well!

Piaella for two would have served at least three!

Cheap but good puds

Then a post dinner stroll (route march) to Cala Serena

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