Friday 5 October 2012


Day 5 Istanbul, Turkey , Thursday 4th October , hot and sunny, 30C

Disappointed that we passed through the Dardanelles in the early hours on our way from the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara on which Istanbul sits. We passed Gallipoli and its memorials which we were told would have be illuminated and easy to view: sleep was more important! We are told our return through the Dardanelles will be in daylight. The straight is 38 miles long and at its widest 3.7 miles and only 0.75 at its narrowest.

Morning spent relaxing on ship before our early afternoon arrival. Wonderful views from the ship of Istanbul, the largest city in Europe. It also spans two continents being partially in Asia as well. We pass the impressive Mosques

                                                 Blue Mosque

and Topkapi Palace before mooring at the mouth of the Golden Horn with three other cruise ships.

MSC Opera, Queen Elizabeth, Ruby Princess and Costa Favolosa in Istanbul

We are lucky that out cabin is on the sea side overlooking the Golden Horn with the old city in the distance. It is an amazing place with ferries passing across the Bosphorus between Europe where we are and Asia.

Galata Bridge across the Golden Horn – restaurants underneath the road and tram way above

Decide to walk across the Golden Horn, on the Galata Bridge and then through the Old City to the Blue Mosque ( Sultan Ahmet Mosque) and after a short queue and taking off our shoes and putting them in a plastic bag we go inside the huge Mosque. No shorts for IB and IG had to wear a shawl to cover her arms.

Back to the ship for dinner through the Topkapi Palace Gardens

Topkapi Palace Gardens

and seeing Istanbul by night. The Bosphorus suspension bridge is impressive with an ever changing lights show in many colours. We also listen to the wailing calls to prayer at the mosques all over Istanbul – we count 10 large mosques that we can see from the ship. Great idea to have two half days rather than a whole day as there is time to recover!


Day 6 Istanbul, Turkey , Friday 5th October , Warm and a little overcast, 25C

This morning we count 11 ferries from our balcony going between Europe and Asia. Just about recovered from our exertions yesterday and off before the heat of the day and the crowds to visit the Grand Bazaar, the largest covered market in the world – if you belive such boasts! Across the Galata Bridge again and up through the amazing narrow bustling shopping streets of the Old City to the Grand Bazaar which was mass of shops and stalls selling every imaginable product! Jack was fascinated by dozens of shops selling elaborate wedding dresses.

Grand Bazaar

Back to the ship for a relaxing swim, lunch and siesta before our departure and sail into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus. This takes two hours and it is closed to all other shipping whilst we proceed at 11.8 Knots. Under two suspension bridges, just with 12 metres to spare.

Great views in the clear sunshine with a commentary from dear old Amanda, our Entertainment Director. Spent all afternoon on our balcony watching the views pass and with the bends we can see both banks.
Time for afternoon tea, and a relax in the cabin before dinner and the second Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers Show called Jazz, Blues and Rock & Roll.


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