Wednesday 10 October 2012


Day 11 October 10th Izmir Turkey (Asia) (Sunny intervals and 25C)

We arrived in Izmir as the sun was rising. Most folk go off to Ephesus from here but as we have already done that we decided just to look around the city. Izmir is a large metropolis and the third most populated city in Turkey so we were never going to do it in a day. This was especially so as the cruise terminal is some three miles from the centre and dear old Cunard decided not to give us a shuttle bus and we did not fancy the taxis. So we just strolled along the wide and surprisingly fine promenade.

This decision was made easier as IB has a bit of a cold (Asian man flu!!!?).
So we had today the relaxing day at sea we wanted yesterday and recharge our batteries for our last port tomorrow, Santorini. We are doing our second and last organised tour called easy Santorini: hope the label on the tin is correct!

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