Saturday 6 October 2012


Day 7 Odessa, Ukraine , Saturday 6th October , Clear and sunny, 22C

Another new port and country for us. Furthest east we have ever been and a new sea: the Black Sea. It is also Queen Elizabeth's first visit to the Black Sea. Odessa is the largest port on the Black Sea and Ukraine's fifth largest city. It is situated on the north-western shore of the Black Sea.

Our port order has been changed due to a conference in Yalta today and we had had a longer sail overnight (345 nautical miles from Istanbul) than planned and we have been travelling at over 21 knots all night and at times we felt it!

Up well in time to see us sail up the coast of Ukraine in clear sunshine from our balcony – yet again our cabin is on the better side of the ship – well chosen! Leisurely breakfast before we watch the sail in from the top at the front. Very tight entrance to harbour and an even tighter manoeuvre to spin the ship around before berthing. Very little space at the bow or stern as we pirouette in the confined space of the harbour. As we dock we are greeted with very jolly and rousing band music and of course we moor with our cabin facing the dock!

Off ship as soon as we are allowed and walk up the 'famous' Potemkin Steps to the city.
Potemkin Steps

Walk though the wide boulevards and see the main sites like the Cathedral, Opera House

Opera House – with wedding photos being taken!

and Archaeological Museum. Really like the city which is clean and spacious. Odd mix of old Volga and :Lada cars, archaic public transport of trams, trolley buses and buses contrasting with flash Mercs, Range Rovers and Porsches. Also the grand and ornate buildings are interspersed with wonderful modern architecture.

Wide tree lined Street typical of Odessa
Back to ship for a very quick swim before lunch and more pool time. After such an energetic day allow ourselves the luxury of afternoon tea before watching our sailaway with many local folk waving from the quayside, clapping, cheering and the ship blowing its whistle and horn - LOUDLY!


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