Tuesday 2 October 2012


Day 3 Katakolon Mainland Greece Tuesday 2nd October Sunny and hot 28C

Queen Elizabeth moored in Katakolon Harbour

We thought we were going to Kat a colon, then we were told it was pronounced Ker- tak-alon, however having visited we find it is Ka Tacky alon!Just to confuse a bit more the English alphabet Greek spelling seems to be Katakolo with no final 'N'. We were off early as there were three big ships in a town smaller than Ryde. Most folk go off to Olympia but we decided on a lazy walk around the town before back to the ship for mid morning tea and a swim before lunch. We spent only about an hour looking around the town which had a nice harbour area

Waterfront Cafés and Restaurants, Katakolon

and couple of a dirty beaches one sandy and the other a muddy sand. The main street was all shops and the narrow pavements were full of stalls making walking amongst the hordes of cruise passengers and touting locals quite difficult! It was not too bad as we were off early but we suspect it got a lot worse later on.

Island Girl poses in the Main Street, Katakolon

Finished off the champagne after lunch so needed a siesta before a lazy afternoon by the pool before our second formal night. Decided not to go to the show which is Penny Mathisen, a West End Vocalist – we have never heard of her.

We are getting on well with our dinning companions: as usual we are the youngest couple!


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