Tuesday 17 September 2013

Busy day in Zermatt

We spent a couple of hours in Zermatt in 2009, and ever since vowed to return to do all the things we were unable to do in such a short visit. In particular we wanted to go up to the top of the Gornegrat Mountain (3089 metres) by rack railway. This obviously would be much more enjoyable in clear weather. After the rain of Monday we were a little apprehensive, and we woke to 5c, and fresh snow almost down to Zermatt, which is at 1610 metres.

We had decided to go to the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise (3899 metres) in the morning and the Gornegrat in the afternoon, so after breakfast we walked the ten minutes or so to the first of three cable cars up the mountain. By now the clouds were beginning to clear and we were hopeful of a good view.

The first stage is small cars taking up to 8 passengers and as we were early it was nice to have a car to ourselves.

The next stage was a large gondola which we shared with only two others.

 On the way up we had some spectacular views:

The end of the second stage of the journey was Trockener Steg at 2939 metres and we decided to have a good look around.

And then off up on the third stage and again spectacular views

Of course there was a café at the top and a viewing platform which had amazing views but with the temperature below -10C and a howling gale only a brief stay was sensible.

There in an underground ice palace which was interesting but a bit theme park like, James enjoyed the ice slide!

 Back down the three cable cars to see the Matterhorn in its full glory

So a quick baguette and cake for lunch before getting on the rack railway to go up to the Gornegrat.

The views were again to die for, with the Matterhorn in view most of the way up.

At the top we walked to the viewing area which in the bright sun was nowhere as cold as our morning mountain! This made the views much more enjoyable.

So back down in a new train with huge, but opening to get better pictures, windows

 So a much needed dinner before a stroll around Zermatt including the old historic town area.
What a day: it was very tiring. The altitude really takes it out of you and it was COLD! We were not well prepared but even if we had dressed sensibly it would have been bitter!

So the weather played ball! We are off to Interlaken tomorrow for our final four nights.

Both James and IB took rather a lot of pictures and choosing the ones for the blog was very difficult. We have added some more of todays photos to our on line album, CLICK HERE to view!

1 comment:

  1. Did IG's careful research not suggest to be better prepared! By the way, I think that's James' new profile picture.
