Sunday 29 September 2013

The Technical Bits – how we blog

IB writes the blog and chooses the pictures. Then IG reads through, corrects IB's poor grammer and spelling and uses her editorial veto as she sees fit.

Blogger is a pretty crude tool and the ship's internet is very slow and unpredictable. We can write the text in Word and paste that into blogger, but the pictures need to be loaded into the text whilst on line. To lessen the time on line IB uses a program called Irfan View (thanks to Alan D) which can reduce the 4KB pictures down to a more manageable 2-500MB. Normally a days blog with 6 pictures takes from 10 minutes up to 20 minutes to post.

This is for ship internet which is paid for by the minute. In hotels , where internet is free, or using the dongle which is paid by data rather than time we can do it all on line with no need to copy and paste. Pictures can be loaded 'full fat' with no need to reduce them, saving the de gigging time. At Zermat I am sure we had optical internet that was lightening fast and blogging only took as long as it took to type and choose the photos: they uploaded in seconds!

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