Friday 13 September 2013

Off to Lausanne for our Swiss Rail Holiday

Came up to London night before and spent night at Kings Cross Travel Inn: slightly cheaper than the Premier Inn we normally stay at. Despite a slightly longer walk from St Pancras we found it better value and importantly had a great nights sleep: well until 5am when we had to get up!
Royal Scot Travel Lodge
Interesting to see how the uncovering of the façade of Kings Cross Station is going: not long now!

Work progressing on new open square outside Kings Cross

On the 7 01 am Eurostar which leaves and arrives in Paris on time. Very easy journey across Paris to Gare de Lyon where we catch the TGV to Lausanne.
Arrive on time in Lausanne and walk to our Hotel which is only five minutes from the station. We stayed here a few years ago but since then it has been virtually rebuilt and is very modern and well appointed.
Posh room at Hotel, Agora, Lausanne

After a cup of tea and settling in we take the Metro down to Lac Leman (Lake Geneva)
 IB and IG by Lac Leman - picture by James: he has his uses!
 and have a very nice dinner at a Restaurant near the lake.

Have a nice walk after dinner around the waterfront and watch the sun go down: nearly 8pm sun set as the Swiss are on CET!


  1. well switzerland does look quite nice! Too many places in the world to visit!!

    1. Yes Emma it is impossible to decide where to go. We are having trouble on this holiday deciding whether to see new places or visit ones we know we like!
