Friday 11 April 2014

Bits and bobs from Barbados

No particular theme to this blog: just some interesting - well we think so - pictures!

Another difference to UK is their light switches work the other way round, push the bottom for on!

But their letter boxes are the same!

Public transport is brilliant, but a bit mad. there are buses, taxi buses on specific routes and taxis. When you are walking the taxi buses hoot to try to pick up a fare. When the taxi buses stop to pick up a passenger they just stop in the middle of the road, anywhere. The fare into Bridgetown from Accra (5 miles?) is 80 pence!
State bus following taxi bus

Early in the morning the buses do not hang about!

There are no full sized buses or coaches on Barbados: this is the largest coach size

It is too hot and sunny for an open top bus but there are a few of these open sided buses around.

A few more bus pictures:

 This is a taxi: no stripe or route number

But Barbados is all about the sun and having fun in the water so here are a few family fun pictures:


 Eva has now got the hang of the arm bands and has gone solo!

 Eva is always snacking!

A Rum punch!
And no IB post would be complete without a few car pictures!
 F Type at Gatwick: win it for £10 ticket!

 Our hotel does wedding!
 All hire cars have 'H' registrations. We had H 1 on our hire Daihatsu Cuore on our first trip to Barbados. Numbers follow people and companies so it is still with the same hire firm but on a newer car.
 The XLi!

 Not many European cars but there are Minis....
 .....and a few Range Rovers

I have spotted a Jaguar XF but not captured it....yet!

The island has virtually had no rain whilst we have been here yet there are some really colourful flowers and amazing trees:

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