Tuesday 8 April 2014

Fire up the XLi !

After three days of eat, pool, sea, eat, siesta, pool, sea, eat, Chilli Moos,
According to Isla, Chilli Moos is the best thing about Barbados!
She is eating bubble gum ice cream because she liked the colour!
Eva has orange sherbet.

bed, we decided it was time to fire up our hire car and explore Barbados.

We have hired a Toyota Corolla XLi between us so IB and IG were joined by David, Liza and James for the trip to the West, Atlantic and windward coast of Barbados.

So with IB at the wheel, David and Liza in the navigators seat, IG acting as back up Navigator and lookout, and James on camera through the window duty we headed off across the island. The roads were pretty empty and we used Highway 4 to get to St Johns. The road was not too bad as we passed through sugar fields to St Johns. Just before we got to St Johns the road deteriorated significantly and we thought we might have taken a wrong turning but we had not. Then down a steep winding road to St Martins Bay where we got this great view of Bathsheba and the coast looking North.

So down to Bathsheba where we parked and had a walk along the spectacular beach.

We waited here for the rock to finally fall over due to erosion but it didn,t!


Then back to the car to go north along the coast road. The car was decidedly reluctant to get the five of us out of Bathsheba up the hairpin road! We made it without hitting the lorry we met on one of the corners and no need to jettison passengers or more importantly turn the air con off!

We stopped again at Benab and walked on the deserted beach with more fabulous scenery

Hope you like the arty low camera shot of the rocks!

 So back along highway 2  and the Bridgetown by pass to our hotel. Drivers are generally very courteous and often stop to let pedestrians cross the road and other cars pull out of side roads, always with a cheery hoot of the horn. Taxi drivers however are less forgiving. We stopped at a road works site controlled by workmen giving hand signals. Our car was first in the queue and we were held and behind us were several cars. We waited some time and a taxi at the back decided we had waited long enough and pushed past the cars behind us. as he got nearer he realised why we were held as a large truck was blocking our path: he reversed sheepishly back from where he had come!

Back in time to cool off in the pool before dinner at Bubbah's Sports Cafe

and of course Chilli Moos

This is cotton candy flavour, again chosen because of its colour: tasted much nicer than the bubble gum!

Had to do blog at lunchtime today as the internet went on strike last night: it has been supersonic all day so far!

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