Sunday 13 April 2014

It has been a great holiday!

For the last few days we have just been relaxing by the pool and on the beach with occasional trips in the car and of course eating at the local restaurants

Bajan Chicken Curry: yummy

....oh and drinking!

The weather has been nigh on perfect being mainly dry and sunny but not too hot: we did have a few heavy showers:

The big kids have been doing beach civil engineering for the amusement of Eva and Isla:

We have made trips to the supermarket to stock up on goodies to eat in the room and cheap booze to bring home. Although not called Waitrose most of the own brand goods are!

Breakfast and goodie bar in the room!
I B has been in search of the perfect shirt and finally had success at a local stall having failed at all the bigger shops!

We have had a little trip through St Lawrence Gap....

 Rostrevor where IG stayed with her family in the 70s

...and on the the fishing town of Oistins

And we had our final evening meal by the beach at the Tiki Bar and watched the sun go down on a great holiday.

Still enough time for a last trip the Chiili Moos for that important ice cream!
Will Isla even get the blue out of her mouth
We have a last morning relaxing before an early lunch and then off to Grantly Adams Airport for the flight home.
Our pick up is well before our flight so we expect to be in the departure lounge for several hours!


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